Often the most overlooked component of Submerge by prospective students is community life. Naturally, when most people read about the program they imagine themselves in class, living in another country, and helping others. It’s easy to forget that while you definitely will be doing all of these things, you will not be doing them alone. You will also be living and working together with other like-minded individuals, this is perhaps one of the most valuable aspects of the program.
The natural hurdles and obstacles that one must overcome to participate in Submerge serve as a filter, meaning that the people who actually show up are high-quality people. These are people who are driven, who love others, who don’t quit easily, and who want to encourage each other to truly live.
At Submerge we work to create a true sense of community amongst the team, giving it almost a family feel. We want to work hard and play hard together. As a part of this community we have small groups, chapel, and “team night” each week. We also have a monthly dinner called “The Table” in which we celebrate all that occurred during the month. We are confident that as a member of Submerge you will make friendships that you will carry with you the rest of your life.
As a growing and dynamic program, Submerge will inherently have minor variations to the schedule from sessions to session, but the main structure remains the same:
Our daily schedule begins with ministry classes and chapel on Monday, morning classes Tuesday through Friday and ministry in the afternoons and/or evenings. At Submerge we are conscious to guard weekends so that you are able to relax as well as meet friends and have lots of cool adventures. The weekends are a great time to venture out and explore all Ecuador has to offer.