If you’ve made your way to this page perhaps it is not by accident.
At some point you were interested in Submerge because you were seeking a life beyond normal. We hope that you are living that life today. 

However, if you are still seeking, if you find yourself longing for more, if you hate the thought of settling for average, then maybe it’s time for a change.  Below are several changes that might just make it possible for you to reconsider Submerge.

Hopefully you will find that these changes make it easier for you to participate in Submerge. But the truth is there will never be a convenient time for you to move to another nation for three months. If you truly desire to live a life beyond normal you must do things that aren’t “normal”, and a decision to do Submerge is definitely not normal.

We understand that it can seem like a huge step (it is), but there are people today who are living in Ecuador that were in your exact spot six months ago. They made a decision and took a leap of faith.

We want to help you take your leap of faith by extending a $500 promo code to anyone previously interested in Submerge. With this code you can access scholarship funds that can be applied toward the cost of your trip. If you think you may still be interested in Submerge or would like to access the promo code, fill out the form below and you will be redirected to a video explaining how to receive your promo code.