
learn to
live your

"the greatest use of life
is to spend it for something
that will outlast it."

 William James  

In has been said that “The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.”. If we desire to live a life of meaning and to truly grow - we must take our eyes off of ourselves and look to others. One of the greatest, life-altering experiences that you can give yourself is to travel to another nation and serve its people.

Submerge is planted in the heart of Ecuador in the capital city of Quito.  Each day you and your team will have the opportunity to help serve and make a difference in this beautiful nation. From our partnered programs with the municipality of Quito for children who are trafficked, to our weekly ministry in a juvenile detention center - your time in Submerge will make a lasting difference.

The most impacting part of Submerge is the long-standing work that is done through young people like you giving a season of their lives to a nation.  When you join Submerge you link arms with those who have gone before you and those who will continue to serve in the future thus making an impact that reaches far beyond your time there.

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to
reach for the stars to change the world."

Harriet Tubman

The truth is, it is not rare to have a dream but to actually live your dream is. Most of us have this grand picture written on our hearts about how life should be or how it could be, but when it comes to living this picture out we often feel stuck. Many people simply do not know how to connect the dots between what they see inside their hearts and what actually is, so they often end up frustrated and disillusioned. We believe that your dreams are not just warm-fuzzy thoughts to distract you from mundane living, but rather they are the seeds of your future. Submerge exists to help dreamers learn how to bridge the gap between dreams and reality. 

At Submerge, our teaching philosophy is oriented around what will help you succeed in the real world, making our classes unique from those you may take in any sort of traditional academic environment. We believe that you can be book smart, head smart, and even exceptionally talented, yet without creativity and positivity at work in your life, you might never reach your full potential. The emphasis on cultivating a winning mentality and developing creative thinking exists to challenge you, inspire you, and give you the tools you need to succeed. Classes are taught both in person and using live video.