featured alumni
We are passionate about helping people achieve the dreams that are in their hearts. It is a great joy to see our alumni spread across the world and accomplishing incredible things. We believe that life should be celebrated; so take a moment and see what is happening in just a few lives of our Alumni around the world.
Dodge Pangburn | Sydney, Australia
Assistant Creative Director, Hillsong Church
Web: www.hillsong.org
Instagram: @dodgepangburn
"My time at Go got me going and moved my body into the right place to let my spirit begin the journey to uncover who I am in Christ! Greg and Christa have a gifting to extract and reveal who you are in Christ, by their honesty, love and providing plenty of hands on opportunity to begin to see yourself click into truly being all you were designed to be."
Lindsey Clark | San Diego, California
Co-Founder + Chief Executive Officer Coast to Coast Central
Web: www.coasttocoastcentral.com/
Instagram: @lindseyeryn
"My time at Go gave me practical experience working with my three passions: Empowering community through online social networking, hosting and planning events, and working with women trapped in the sex-trafficking industry."