I live in search of a great adventure

Written by: Submerge Co-founder Christa Baca

Christa Baca co-founded Submerge.tv with her husband Greg.  She makes her home in Quito, Ecuador with her two children Zion and Lucianna.  She is passionate about helping people discover and fully experience the life they were created to live.  She has a penchant for cute cafes and cappuccino and when she is writing or designing, you can usually find her enjoying both.   

There’s more.

If you’re anything like me, then you believe that there is more to life than falling monotonically into the daily grind, surviving the 9-5, and becoming stereotypes that so often leave us feeling like our lives are a commonplace cliché.   

In different seasons of life I would find myself stuck. I mean, let’s be honest,  life was “fine”. Work was “fine”, school was “fine, my friends were "fine"… but I want my life to be more than a long line of “fine”.

I’ve found that the journey of life is often encountered by different cross-roads. Moments, that if we don’t seize them or risk to grasp them will fleetingly pass us by.  And that’s the thing, once they pass us we can’t always get them back.

They’re gone.

I have so many of these cross-road moments in my life. I feel like I am a collector of them.  

The first time I went overseas at age 14 to Thailand.

Climbing the Great Wall of China two summers later.

The time I left my successful career to go back to school.

The first time I kissed my husband Greg. (Ahem, yes, I kissed him first!) And I wouldn’t change that daring move for the world. It was a world-class romantic moment and I am so glad that I leaned in and made the first move.

I guess that’s the thing, you can’t be afraid to lean into life. Many times we shy away from these moments of risk, and yet adventure is calling out to us. It’s begging us to leave the safe shores of the familiar and go into uncharted waters.

I am lucky enough to live among the risk-takers. The Submerge community is filled with the dreamers and doers. People who have risked jobs, security and relationships to venture out into the unknown in search of a great adventure. I am profoundly impacted every day by their courage and their ability to go and search for their great adventure.

The world needs more people like that. People who venture out in hope. Maybe you find yourself in that place that I am talking about. That longing to step out of the ordinary. To do more than just dream, to discover.  

Hang onto that.

If you feel stuck then I implore you to lean in.

Lean into risk.

Lean into hope.

Lean into adventure.

Most of all lean into God.

Only you and God know what that means to lean in. As a fellow journeyer myself I can only tell you that the times I have stepped out of my ordinary and leaned into risk I’ve never regretted. I would venture to say that you won’t regret it either.

If you have ever thought about taking a season of life and spending it overseas then I want to encourage you to take the first step.  First steps are easy.  They don’t require a lot. Just fill out the form below and one of our staff members will contact you and tell you a little bit more about the program.